Retraite de pratique de Tchenrézi – Lama Anne Glaesner (Nordreul) ANNULE

Date Catégories Langues | Languages
samedi 22 juin à 10:00 au dimanche 23 juin 2024 à 16:00 Pratique Vajrayana
  • Pratique Vajrayana

Langue : Français Français 

This summer the programme will take place under special circumstances, since the Centre can resume activities provided that sanitary measures are strictly observed.

Whether you are vaccinated or not, whether you have a negative PCR test or not, does not change the need to respect sanitary measures.

Your presence in Montchardon implies that you strictly respect sanitary measures in all circumstances.

We are now used to these measures:

  1. Wear a protective mask in the temple during the whole teaching or practice period, in the refectory until you start eating, and in all situations where it is difficult to maintain a 1m distance with others.
  2. Hand wash with hydro-alcoholic gel when entering and leaving the temple and refectory, whenever accessing the self-service area and on all occasions when touching a collective object.
  3. Maintain a distance of 1m around yourself, in the temple, in the refectory and when moving around in the Centre.

Access to the temple will be limited to 70/80 people to respect sanitary distances.

For accommodation, the rooms that accommodate several people will become individual rooms, except for couples or families. The number of places in the dormitory will be reduced to space out the beds. This will allow us to accommodate about 80 people.

The campsite area will be open, and the layout of the tents should follow the same guidelines. Disinfectant will be available in all places where necessary.

These rules must be maintained in Montchardon at all times.


We have a moral obligation to protect ourselves and others from disease, especially as we live in collective premises.

It is important to continue to protect Lama Teunsang, whose immunity is greatly diminished, even though he has been vaccinated.

For these reasons, we are asking all those who come this summer to commit to respecting sanitary measures. This commitment will take the official form of a box to be ticked on the registration form, which will allow everyone to come to the Centre with complete peace of mind.

If you cannot or do not wish to follow these guidelines, we ask you not to come to the Centre while these rules are in effect.

The same applies, of course, if you are ill or have symptoms of the virus.

When you leave, if you need to have a PCR test, this can be done in the cities in the area. However, it will be up to you to organise (making an appointment, travelling to and from the test site), because the Centre cannot manage these procedures.

Annulation de stage

Il peut arriver que pour des raisons exceptionnelles, certains stages soient annulés.
C’est le cas pour le stage présent et nous nous en excusons.

Nous vous recommandons de rester informé de nos activités et éventuels changement par les moyens suivants:


Merci d’avance pour votre compréhension.
Meilleurs souhaits.
L’équipe de Montchardon

Cancellation of courses

It may happen that for exceptional reasons some courses are cancelled.
This is the case for the present course and we apologize for this.

We recommend that you stay informed of our activities and possible changes by the following means:

The website : the website is always kept up to date. You can consult it, it is the reference on the status of the Centre’s activities.
The Facebook page: In addition to the website, we make sure that important information is relayed on our Facebook page.

Les Nouvelles de Montchardon (Newsletter) : Les Nouvelles de Montchardon and the monthly magazine (Newsletter) inform about the activities of the Centre and remind about the activities of the coming month. You can subscribe to them by going to this page. You can unsubscribe at any time thanks to the unsubscription link sent in each message at the bottom of the page.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Best wishes.
The Montchardon team

Cancellation of Courses

Given the health situation related to the coronavirus epidemic, Karma Migyur Ling has decided to close the centre temporarily as a precautionary measure. This measure is being taken in view of the uncertainty regarding meetings and travel, which could be limited if France moves to stage 3 in the management of the epidemic. The centre will therefore be closed from Monday 16 March to Thursday 30 April.

All courses taking place during this period have therefore been cancelled. We will keep you informed of the booking dates for the following courses by :


Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Best wishes.
The Montchardon team

Calendrier des activités / Calendar of activities